The why of coding ?

When we think of software development, the first thing that comes to mind is technical skill and expertise. But what you may not realize is that it's very important to know the why so let's understand the importance of why in coding. I was bad until I knew why.

Reason to code

The reason to code can vary for different people, but some common reasons include:

  1. Problem-solving: Coding can be a way to solve problems or automate tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming or difficult.

  2. Creativity: Coding can be a form of creative expression, allowing people to bring their ideas to life and build something unique.

  3. Career opportunities: Coding skills are in high demand in many industries, and learning to code can open up a wide range of career opportunities.

  4. Personal development: Learning to code can be a challenging and rewarding process, and can help improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and other skills.

Ultimately, the reason to code depends on the individual's interests, goals, and aspirations.

How will it help

It's important to know the reason for coding before starting because it helps to provide direction and focus. Understanding the purpose of the code will help you to make decisions about what code to write and how to structure it.

Knowing the reason for coding will also help you to prioritize and allocate resources effectively. If you understand the goals of the code, you can make better decisions about which features or functionality to prioritize and which can be left for later.

Additionally, knowing the reason for coding can help you to measure success. If you have a clear goal in mind, you can determine whether or not you have achieved it once the code is complete. This can help you to evaluate the effectiveness of the code and identify areas for improvement in the future.

Overall, knowing the reason for coding can help you to stay focused, efficient, and effective in your coding efforts.